Sounds Like Home

Happy Poetry Month! I will do my best to write a poem each day this April; however, it will be difficult. I am already behind, but I will write 2-3 poems on days I can, and hey - any amount of writing is always better than none. I am writing this during reading (SSR) time in class, so please keep in mind that this is a quickly-scrawled draft. This is no masterpiece, but it means something to me today, in this moment. 

Please look for inspiration here: #verselove

Instructions were to write about something good. I noticed, as I started drafting, that I had a lot of sound imagery, starting with my original first line "It might sound trite..." (which I crossed out), so I stuck with sounds. I might complete a series with other sensory imagery as well. The #verselove blog also suggested playing with dashes and repetition. I ended up with only one dash and a sprinkle of repetition. Thanks to all my family and friends for your sounds of laughter and love - I thought of many more people and examples than I had time to write about today.


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