Background Noise

I wrote this at the end of the school-year while my students were writing. Can you tell I was stressed? Teachers will understand the "interruption fatigue" of which I write here:

“Background Noise”
by Amber Counts

Someone’s nose whistles
As another clicks the push-button on his pen.
The air conditioner kicks on in a powerful hum:
Gale-force winds in miniature
To take the place of fresh air
Blast from the depths of dusty vents.
A tone, followed by an announcement:
“Pardon this interruption, teachers…”
A cell phone goes off, and another –
This one on silent, but its vibration just as loud.
I try to recall what point I wanted to make,
But the door creaks open.
An aide walks in with a note.
The girl quietly snoring
And drooling on her desk
Doesn’t notice.
All other eyes are on me
As I assess the note
And thank the aide for his interruption.


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